Friday, February 8, 2008

Landscaping with greater purpose

As winter wanes and spring approaches the time is perfect for planning. Consider combining the perfect design for your property with the added benefit of protecting our precious water supply. Sustainable landscaping takes into consideration alleviating storm water runoff from surfaces such as roofs, walks and driveways. Utilizing rain water gardens and permeable surfaces will help reduce the amount of pollution that goes into our waterways by filtering the water into the subsoil instead of allowing it to drain into storm sewers. Beautiful!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Winter Pruning

Winter is an excellent time for assessing the health of trees and shrubs, as their structure is clearly visible without the presence of leaves. Removing dead or diseased limbs, crossing and rubbing branches and renovation of shrubs is best done in winter. This is due to the absence of pests and organisms that could enter the plant through cuts in the bark. Also, at this dormant time, plants will not expend energy to recover from pruning - this will happen in spring with the flush of new growth.